Results for 'Austin Elizabeth Scott'

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  1.  92
    Janna Thompson: Intergenerational Justice: Rights and Responsibilities in an Intergenerational Polity: Routledge, 2009, 192 pp. # ISBN-13: 978-0415996280. [REVIEW]Austin Elizabeth Scott - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (1):67-70.
  2.  35
    Development and Validation of Two Short Forms of the Managing the Emotions of Others Scale.Elizabeth J. Austin, Donald H. Saklofske & Martin M. Smith - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Implementing Ethics in Healthcare AI-Based Applications: A Scoping Review.Robyn Clay-Williams, Elizabeth Austin & Magali Goirand - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (5):1-53.
    A number of Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics frameworks have been published in the last 6 years in response to the growing concerns posed by the adoption of AI in different sectors, including healthcare. While there is a strong culture of medical ethics in healthcare applications, AI-based Healthcare Applications (AIHA) are challenging the existing ethics and regulatory frameworks. This scoping review explores how ethics frameworks have been implemented in AIHA, how these implementations have been evaluated and whether they have been successful. (...)
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    Ability EI as an intelligence? Associations of the MSCEIT with performance on emotion processing and social tasks and with cognitive ability.Daniel Farrelly & Elizabeth J. Austin - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (5):1043-1063.
  5.  21
    Empathy as a predictor of peripersonal space: Evidence from the crossmodal congruency task.Elena Gherri, Marios Theocharopoulos, Niall Browne, Nazire Duran & Elizabeth J. Austin - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 98 (C):103267.
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  6. From Parmenidean to Hegelian Monism.Scott Austin - 2003 - In Andreas Bächli & Klaus Petrus, Monism. Frankfurt: Ontos. pp. 9--57.
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    Parmenides and the Closure of the West.Scott Austin - 2000 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 74 (2):287-301.
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    Parmenides and Ultimate Reality.Scott Austin - 1984 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 7 (3):220-232.
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    Some Eleatic Features of Platonic and Neoplatonic Method.Scott Austin - 2014 - Ancient Philosophy 34 (1):65-74.
  10.  22
    Integrating Law and Social Epidemiology.Scott Burris, Ichiro Kawachi & Austin Sarat - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (4):510-521.
    Social epidemiology has made a powerful case that health determined not just by individual-level factors such as our genetic make-up, access to medical services, or lifestyle choices, but also by social conditions, including the economy, law, and culture. Indeed, at the level of populations, evidence suggests that these “structural” factors are the predominant influences on health. Legal scholars in public health, including those in the health and human rights movement, have contended that human rights, laws, and legal practices are powerfully (...)
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    A symposium on Georg Simmel: Essays on art and aesthetics.Elizabeth S. Goodstein, Austin Harrington, Thomas Kemple & Nicola Marcucci - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 173 (1):111-126.
    Georg Simmel has long been appreciated as a major theorist of the arts in society, as well as of aesthetic phenomena in general in social life. Yet Simmel’s essays in the area have remained dispersed for many years across the disparate parts of his corpus and have not been easy to survey in their full thematic cohesion and interconnection. This symposium article reflects on Austin Harrington’s comprehensive anthology of these writings in English, published in 2020, which assembles virtually all (...)
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  12. Sheila J. Nayar (2010) Cinematically Speaking: The Orality-Literacy Paradigm for Visual Narrative.Kathleen Elizabeth Scott - 2012 - Film-Philosophy 16 (1):256-262.
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    Editors' Introduction.Scott F. Parker & Michael W. Austin - 2011-03-04 - In Fritz Allhoff, Scott F. Parker & Michael W. Austin, Coffee. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 1–6.
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    The Light vs. Dark Triad of Personality: Contrasting Two Very Different Profiles of Human Nature.Scott Barry Kaufman, David Bryce Yaden, Elizabeth Hyde & Eli Tsukayama - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    While there is a growing literature on “dark traits” (i.e., socially aversive traits), there has been a lack of integration with the burgeoning research literature on positive traits and fulfilling and growth-oriented outcomes in life. To help move the field toward greater integration, we contrasted the nomological network of the Dark Triad (a well-studied cluster of socially aversive traits) with the nomological network of the Light Triad, measured by the 12-item Light Triad Scale (LTS). The LTS is a first draft (...)
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    Folkbiology doesn't Come from Folkpsychology: Evidence from Yukatek Maya in Cross-Cultural Perspective.Scott Atran, Edilberto Ucan Ek', Paulo Sousa, Douglas Medin, Elizabeth Lynch & Valentina Vapnarsky - 2001 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 1 (1):3-42.
    Nearly all psychological research on basic cognitive processes of category formation and reasoning uses sample populations associated with large research institutions in technologically-advanced societies. Lopsided attention to a select participant pool risks biasing interpretation, no matter how large the sample or how statistically reliable the results. The experiments in this article address this limitation. Earlier research with urban-USA children suggests that biological concepts are thoroughly enmeshed with their notions of naive psychology, and strikingly human-centered. Thus, if children are to develop (...)
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    Integrating Law and Social Epidemiology.Scott Burns, Ichiro Kawachi & Austin Sarat - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (4):510-521.
    Social epidemiology has made a powerful case that health determined not just by individual-level factors such as our genetic make-up, access to medical services, or lifestyle choices, but also by social conditions, including the economy, law, and culture. Indeed, at the level of populations, evidence suggests that these “structural” factors are thepredominantinfluences on health. Legal scholars in public health, including those in the health and human rights movement, have contended that human rights, laws, and legal practices are powerfully linked to (...)
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  17. Coffee.Fritz Allhoff, Scott F. Parker & Michael W. Austin (eds.) - 2011-03-04 - Wiley‐Blackwell.
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  18.  11
    The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes 30 Volume Paperback Set.Elizabeth Johnson, Donald Moggridge & Austin Robinson (eds.) - 1992 - Cambridge University Press.
    John Maynard Keynes was without doubt one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century. His work revolutionised the theory and practice of modern economics. It has had a profound impact on the way economics is taught and written, and on economic policy, around the world. The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, published in full in electronic and paperback format for the first time, makes available in thirty volumes all of Keynes's published books and articles. This includes writings (...)
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  19.  77
    Organizational Moral Values.Elizabeth D. Scott - 2002 - Business Ethics Quarterly 12 (1):33-55.
    Abstract:This article argues that the important organizational values to study are organizational moral values. It identifies five moral values (honest communication, respect for property, respect for life, respect for religion, and justice), which allow parallel constructs at individual and organizational levels of analysis. It also identifies dimensions used in differentiating organizations’ moral values. These are the act, actor, person affected, intention, and expected result. Finally, the article addresses measurement issues associated with organizational moral values, proposing that content analysis is the (...)
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    Parmenides and the history of dialectic: three essays.Scott Austin - 2007 - Las Vegas [Nev.]: Parmenides.
    Essay one: Parmenidean dialectic -- Essay two: Parmenidean metaphysics -- Essay three: Parmenides and the history of dialectic.
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    To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of Philosophy (review).Scott Austin - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (4):481-482.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of PhilosophyScott AustinArnold Hermann. To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of Philosophy. Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing, 2004. Pp. xxx + 374. Cloth, $32.00.Mr. Arnold Hermann could presumably have used his connection with Parmenides Press to publish anything he wanted. Instead, he has put out a sober, bibliographically well aware, thesis about the origin, nature, and motivations (...)
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  22.  40
    Ranking Rank Behaviors.Elizabeth D. Scott & Karen A. Jehn - 1999 - Business and Society 38 (3):296-325.
    Using ethical theory often applied by business ethicists, this article develops a threshold definition of honesty that incorporates specific situational factors (act, actor, person affected, intention, and result) in the definition: Dishonesty occurs when a responsible actor voluntarily and intentionally violates some convention of the transfer of information or of property, and, in so doing, potentially harms a valued being. The article then further refines this definition to differentiate among various categories of dishonesty, such as theft and deceit. Ways to (...)
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  23.  93
    Modality and Predication in Parmenides’s Fragment 8 and in Subsequent Dialectic.Scott Austin - 2013 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (1):87-95.
    In this paper I shall attempt to enter part of the way into the microstructure of the account of truth in the Parmenidean fragment 8, and to reveal that account as a dialectical sequence of affirmation and denial involving various kinds of modal utterance. The sequence will then be put into parallel with the first four hypotheses of the second half of Plato’s Parmenides as well as with Zeno and some of the later tradition.
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    Parmenides' Reference.Scott Austin - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (01):266-.
    First in the aether Parmenides places the morning star, which he believes to be the same as the evening star… [the moon] always looking towards the sunshine I shall not be concerned with the truth or falsity of these ascriptions, only with the fact that they are just the sort of thing that Parmenides could have said. Nor is an interest in Parmenidean reference new in the literature: Furth calls him a ‘hyperdenotationist’, and the word is apt on almost any (...)
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  25.  60
    Scepticism and Dogmatism in the Presocratics.Scott Austin - 2000 - Apeiron 33 (3):239 - 246.
  26.  20
    Tao and trinity: notes on self-reference and the unity of opposites in philosophy.Scott Austin - 2014 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Tao and Trinity treats the Trinity as a philosophical notion coming to birth in Heraclitus, Parmenides, and Plato. All three attempt to treat the idea of an absolute source or unity of all things, and are driven in the direction of a first principle which is an instance of itself, an identity and a contradiction at once. The Trinity later on in Aquinas is also such a principle, one characteristically Western, with consequences for art and metaphor, image and symbol, comedy, (...)
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  27.  45
    Moral Values: Situationally Defined Individual Differences.Elizabeth D. Scott - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (2):497-520.
    Abstract:This article suggests that there are individual differences in how people define important moral values, and that these differences are made manifest in differences in the situations. It identifies five dimensions along which individuals can differ in their understandings of values: 1)value category(where the value lies in the hierarchy), 2)agent(how voluntary the action is and whether it is morally required of the agent), 3)object(how close the self is to the object of the action; whether the action offends God) 4)effect(whether the (...)
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  28.  46
    (P.) Thanassas Parmenides, Cosmos, and Being. A Philosophical Interpretation. (Marquette Studies in Philosophy 57.) Pp. 109. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2007. Paper, US$15. ISBN: 978-0-87462-755-. [REVIEW]Scott Austin - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):294-.
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  29.  15
    Shorter notes.Cf Ja Scott & N. Austin - 2010 - Classical Quarterly 60:250-287.
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  30.  51
    Candidate Performance and Observable Audience Response: Laughter and Applause–Cheering During the First 2016 Clinton–Trump Presidential Debate.Patrick A. Stewart, Austin D. Eubanks, Reagan G. Dye, Zijian H. Gong, Erik P. Bucy, Robert H. Wicks & Scott Eidelman - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  31.  32
    About Face: How Employee Dishonesty Influences A Stakeholder's Image of an Organization.Elizabeth D. Scott & Karen A. Jehn - 2003 - Business and Society 42 (2):234-266.
    This article presents a model of employee dishonesty and formation of stakeholders' images of organizations, which applies theories of moral judgment and attribution. It describes the person-situation interaction effects of characteristics of employee behavior and of persons making moral judgments on stakeholders' moral judgments, amounts of blame, loci of blame, and images of organizations. Using a situationally based definition of dishonesty, the article examines the effects of the act, the actor, the result, the person affected, and the intent of an (...)
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  32.  89
    The Paradox of Socratic Ignorance (How to Know That You Don’t Know).Scott Austin - 1987 - Philosophical Topics 15 (2):23-34.
  33.  87
    Coffee - Philosophy for Everyone: Grounds for Debate.Fritz Allhoff, Scott F. Parker & Michael W. Austin (eds.) - 2011 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Offering philosophical insights into the popular morning brew, _Coffee -- Philosophy for Everyone_ kick starts the day with an entertaining but critical discussion of the ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and culture of coffee. Matt Lounsbury of pioneering business Stumptown Coffee discusses just how good coffee can be Caffeine-related chapters cover the ethics of the coffee trade, the metaphysics of coffee and the centrality of the coffee house to the public sphere Includes a foreword by Donald Schoenholt, President at Gillies Coffee Company.
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  34.  29
    Moral values fit: Do applicants really care?Elizabeth D. Scott - 2000 - Teaching Business Ethics 4 (4):405-435.
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    (1 other version)Cockney plots : allotments and grassroots political activism.Elizabeth A. Scott - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dan O'Brien, Gardening - Philosophy for Everyone: Cultivating Wisdom. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 106–117.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Allotment Associations The Allotment Site New Relationships: Councillors and Gardeners Conclusions Notes.
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  36.  53
    Unresolved pain in children: A relational ethics perspective.Deborah L. Olmstead, Shannon D. Scott & Wendy J. Austin - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (6):695-704.
    It is considered the right of children to have their pain managed effectively. Yet, despite extensive research findings, policy guidelines and practice standard recommendations for the optimal management of paediatric pain, clinical practices remain inadequate. Empirical evidence definitively shows that unrelieved pain in children has only harmful consequences, with no benefits. Contributing factors identified in this undermanaged pain include the significant role of nurses. Nursing attitudes and beliefs about children’s pain experiences, the relationships nurses share with children who are suffering, (...)
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  37.  15
    Postmodern pedagogies and the death of civic humanism.Elizabeth Hatmaker, Scott Herstad, Margaret R. Nugent, Lisa Prothers, Ronald Strickland & Jason Swarts - 1997 - Social Epistemology 11 (3 & 4):339 – 348.
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  38.  18
    Just(?) a True-False Test.Elizabeth D. Scott - 2006 - Business and Society 45 (2):130-148.
    Recognizing dishonesty is difficult. It involves both cognitive and moral judgments in situations where it is often costly to gather information. Some individuals are better at it than others; some situations make information gathering less costly. This article uses signal detection theory to model the individual and situational effects on assessments that someone has lied. Signal detection theory is explained, and examples of how it can be used to model other moral judgments are provided.
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  39. The Planteome database: an integrated resource for reference ontologies, plant genomics and phenomics.Laurel Cooper, Austin Meier, Marie-Angélique Laporte, Justin L. Elser, Chris Mungall, Brandon T. Sinn, Dario Cavaliere, Seth Carbon, Nathan A. Dunn, Barry Smith, Botong Qu, Justin Preece, Eugene Zhang, Sinisa Todorovic, Georgios Gkoutos, John H. Doonan, Dennis W. Stevenson, Elizabeth Arnaud & Pankaj Jaiswal - 2018 - Nucleic Acids Research 46 (D1):D1168–D1180.
    The Planteome project provides a suite of reference and species-specific ontologies for plants and annotations to genes and phenotypes. Ontologies serve as common standards for semantic integration of a large and growing corpus of plant genomics, phenomics and genetics data. The reference ontologies include the Plant Ontology, Plant Trait Ontology, and the Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology developed by the Planteome project, along with the Gene Ontology, Chemical Entities of Biological Interest, Phenotype and Attribute Ontology, and others. The project also provides (...)
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  40.  62
    Perceptions of Deception: Making Sense of Responses to Employee Deceit.Karen A. Jehn & Elizabeth D. Scott - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):327-347.
    In this research, we examine the effects that customer perceptions of employee deception have on the customers’ attitudes toward an organization. Based on interview, archival, and observational data within the international airline industry, we develop a model to explain the complex effects of perceived dishonesty on observer’s attitudes and intentions toward the airline. The data revealed three types of perceived deceit (about beliefs, intentions, and emotions) and three additional factors that influence customer intentions and attitudes: the players involved, the beneficiaries (...)
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  41. Synchronous Change and Perception of Object Unity: Evidence from Adults and Infants.Peter W. Jusczyk, Scott P. Johnson, Elizabeth S. Spelke & Lori J. Kennedy - 1999 - Cognition 71 (3):257-88.
    Adults and infants display a robust ability to perceive the unity of a center-occluded object when the visible ends of the object undergo common motion (e.g. Kellman, P.J., Spelke, E.S., 1983. Perception of partly occluded objects in infancy. Cognitive Psychology 15, 483±524). Ecologically oriented accounts of this ability focus on the primacy of motion in the perception of segregated objects, but Gestalt theory suggests a broader possibility: observers may perceive object unity by detecting patterns of synchronous change, of which common (...)
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  42.  34
    Is risk stratification ever the same as ‘profiling’?R. Scott Braithwaite, Elizabeth R. Stevens & Arthur Caplan - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (5):325-329.
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  43.  50
    Plane truth: A qualitative study of employee dishonesty in the airline industry. [REVIEW]Elizabeth D. Scott - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (4):321 - 337.
    Interviews with flight attendants are analyzed to refine a person-situation model of organizational dishonesty. The refined model suggests that organizational characteristics have direct and indirect (through flight characteristics) effects on likelihood of dishonesty, type of dishonesty, and motivation for dishonesty. The interviews confirm the existence of three motivations for dishonesty in customer service interactions. In addition to the three motivations originally modeled (enrichment, altruism, and revenge), flight attendants demonstrated a fourth: enforce personal moral codes, and a fifth: habituation. The article (...)
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  44.  39
    Plato’s Reception of Parmenides. [REVIEW]Scott Austin - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (1):247-249.
    On the hermeneutic. Palmer declares it unnecessary to recover Parmenides’ original authorial intentions in performing his poem ). It is “simply a mistake—one might term it the ‘essentialist fallacy’—to privilege Parmenides’ intended meaning as the determining factor in his subsequent influence”. Here the claim is not the one that authorial intention is irrecoverable, but the quite different claim that it is an “error vitiating most appraisals of this influence [of Parmenides on Plato to make] the assumption that one can base (...)
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    The Role of the Courts in Shaping Health Policy: An Empirical Analysis.Peter D. Jacobson, Elizabeth Selvin & Scott D. Pomfret - 2001 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 29 (3-4):278-289.
    The transformation of health-care delivery from fee-for-service medicine to managed care represents a fundamental philosophical shift away from the prevailing medical ethos that the needs of the individual patient take precedence over competing social values, such as reducing health-care costs. In managed care, financial incentives to reduce health-care utilization may result in denying an individual’s claim for medical services.Litigation challenging managed care’s resource allocation decisions often presents the need to resolve conflicting social policy goals, such as the tension between an (...)
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  46.  23
    Review of Daniel W. Graham, Explaining the Cosmos: The Ionian traditIon of Scientific Philosophy[REVIEW]Scott Austin - 2007 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (2).
  47.  34
    Lies in the Sky: Effects of Employee Dishonesty on Organizational Reputation in the Airline Industry.Karen A. Jehn & Elizabeth D. Scott - 2015 - Business and Society Review 120 (1):115-136.
    Conventional wisdom suggests that dishonesty on the part of an organization's employees has a negative effect on the organization's reputation. However, many organizations condone (or even require) dishonesty under certain circumstances. In this research of 128 airline passengers, we examine situations in which employees are perceived to be dishonest within one such industry, the international airlines, and examine the impact of this dishonesty on organizational reputation and customer satisfaction. We found that the reputation of the firm was most damaged when (...)
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    Children do not exhibit ambiguity aversion despite intact familiarity bias.Rosa Li, Elizabeth M. Brannon & Scott A. Huettel - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:120588.
    The phenomenon of ambiguity aversion, in which risky gambles with known probabilities are preferred over ambiguous gambles with unknown probabilities, has been thoroughly documented in adults but never measured in children. Here, we use two distinct tasks to investigate ambiguity preferences of children (8- to 9-year-olds) and a comparison group of adults (19- to 27-year-olds). Across three separate measures, we found evidence for significant ambiguity aversion in adults but not in children and for greater ambiguity aversion in adults compared to (...)
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  49.  43
    Multiple stakeholder judgments of employee behaviors: A contingent prototype model of dishonesty. [REVIEW]Elizabeth D. Scott & Karen A. Jehn - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 46 (3):235 - 250.
    This paper describes the moral judgments made by various stakeholders in determining whether an event, caused by an organizational employee, constitutes dishonesty. It models person-situation interaction effects of situations in organizational settings and persons making moral judgments to predict judgments of dishonesty. Using a prototype definition of dishonesty, the paper examines the effects of differences in four areas (the prototypicality of the act, the actor''s motivation, the potential consequences, and the person judging the event) on the moral judgment of whether (...)
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  50.  61
    Memory: A River Runs through It.Maryanne Garry, Elizabeth F. Loftus & Scott W. Brown - 1994 - Consciousness and Cognition 3 (3-4):438-451.
    Two decades of research using repeated false statements and underhanded information have shown that people can easily be made to believe that they have seen or experienced something they never did. In this paper, we discuss the possibility that the mental health professional and client may unknowingly collaborate to create a client′s false memory of childhood sexual abuse. Both therapist and client bring beliefs into therapy, and the confirmation bias shows that people discover what they already believe to be true. (...)
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